FPSO Sendje Ceiba Cold Work Repairs


Project Type

Structural Hull Reinstatement; SPS Cold Work Repairs


On-station, offshore Equatorial Guinea


7 campaigns 2005 – 2017


Bergesen/Amerada Hess



SPS Technology has had an ongoing relationship with the FPSO Sendje Ceiba spanning 15 years. First, in 2005, SPS Cold Work repairs were used to reinstate 1m² of the bottom shell in the oil cargo tank No 5c using a Cold Work repair installation method, whilst the unit remained on-station and in full operation in Equatorial Guinea.

SPS Technology carried out a total of 52m² of SPS repairs on the FPSO Sendje Ceiba between 2011 and 2017.  Read more about SPS Cold Work repairs on the Sendje Ceiba in our Project Sheet.

SPS provides the opportunity for operators to undertake repairs on-station with no impact on production and day-to-day operation. Parts are prefabricated on-shore in advance to cut project duration, POB (Personnel on Board), optimise repair quality and, most importantly, overall budget. SPS removes the need for cofferdams and dive boats, scaffolding and all costs associated with crop and renewal.

The SPS repairs process uses structural adhesives and bolts for fitting new steel components in place. Bolted connections transfer full structural capacity across joints. When the SPS installation is complete, the composite panel, created by bonding the solid elastomer core to the top and bottom face plates, has strength in excess of the original plating. There is no upper limit on the size of an SPS Cold Work repair – the largest approved by ABS was in excess of 800m².

SPS for Maritime & Offshore

For a permanent, proven, class-approved offshore repair and construction solution that is designed to last the lifetime of the asset, choose SPS Technology’s Sandwich Plate System, SPS. Contact a member of our team today.